Message from State Chaplain

My dear Sister Daughters of Isabella,


Inside the empty tomb, the angel said to the women,

“Do not be afraid. I know that you are looking for Jesus who was crucified.

He is not here; for he has been raised up, just as he said.” (Matthew 28.5-6)

Feeling the shock of such great news, they ran to tell the disciples. What astonishment and joy these women must have felt who heard those words for the very first time.


Yes, the tomb was empty.  This could only mean one thing.  What Jesus said to Martha on the occasion of her brother’s Lazarus’ death has come true,

“I am the resurrection and the life.” (John 11.25)


Jesus’ glorious resurrection brings healing, hope and joy to our lives.  The victory over evil has been won.  That darkness of our lives is now dispelled.  Our salvation has come upon us.


We also rejoice in welcoming the catechumens who have been fully initiated into the Body of Christ at the Easter Vigil.   As they begin to experience that New Life in Christ, may their journey of faith be that visible reminder to all of us of our continual journey towards the Father.


Jesus is alive.  He now lives today and forever.  May we continue to be life giving signs of the risen Lord.  May you also feel that Easter joy like those women at the tomb on the first Easter morning.


Wishing you and your families a blessed and happy Easter,


Fr. Trevor

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